Thursday, April 23, 2009

Chinese Astrology Children's Book

Chinese Astrology Children's Book

There is an order to the universe we can observe,
and it's good to get a handle on it early.

Here's a cute book, written for kids, that explains, through
a charming story, how the Chinese Zodiac is arranged.
Click here.

It seems the Emperor arranges a race between all the Chinese Zodiac animals, offering as a prize the fame of being the animals in the eternal 12-year cycle.

Cat and Rat are good friends, but compete to a disastrous finish,
at least disastrous to their friendship. Because of racetrack
treachery then, Cat and Rat are enemies today.

chinese zodiac
chinese astrology
chinese horoscope
chinese astrology compatibility
four pillars chinese astrology
chinese astrology compatibility
Ko Hashiguchi Four Pillars Chinese Astrology

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